You don't have to reinvent the wheel. Here is a litle about some of the technologies we are using. We have implemented a dynamic component for every tech and we have integrated it in a simple live demo here for you to try. Note that you will find different technologies combined within each demo, the important ones are only highlighted. Try this from a desktop browser to enjoy the full experience.
Create a smart contract, deploy, verify, connect to your wallet & test. More with DeFi & NFTs.
Start chatting and feel the humanlike conversational dialogue with OpenAI.
Create your own website. Free website builder.
Listen to your text in english, french, arabic and others. Convert your voice to text.
Create your own model, customize it, train it and see some predictions right away.
Start a simple live flow execution of a predefined state machine.
Input your name, avatar, group ID, and start live chatting.
Check out some of the best components provided by google.
Customize your template, write your text and start sending emails and SMS.
Add any URL and generate a QR code representation within few milliseconds.
Explore the power of CSS, SCSS & Sass.
Push some random code on a sample repo and checkout your CI/CD pipelines running in the cloud.
Check out this simple IaC model and visualization.
Develop, ship, and run applications.
Container orchestration system for automating software deployment, scaling, and management.
Sell, ship and process payments anywhere.
Log in using gmail or facebook and start sending notifications.
Request credentials, login, log your time and track your daily progress.
Login, create tickets, manage sprints & organize your board.
Organize your daily tasks. Keep a journal.
Application framework and inversion of control container.
Measure your advertising ROI & track your and social networking sites and applications.
Explore flights, hotels, taxis, packages and more in one module.
Manage your finance, supply chain, HR, manufacturing, procurement, and more.